Brilliant Insights on Display at Hong Kong Gem World

The UMS team attended the Jewellery and Gem World Hong Kong in September, supporting our client Tracr™, the world’s leading digital platform for tracing natural diamonds from source to consumer.

We were working with a famous local Chinese Influencer, Marylin Bai, with 4 million fans across multiple social media platforms, to capture comments and insights from members of the De Beers and Tracr™ team, along with industry leaders from the National Diamond Association and the GIA.

Click to view the Tracr post on Instagram, Marilyn’s post on Weibo (Post 1, Post 2). Click to view Marilyn’s videos on Douyin. (Video 1, Video 2).


One of the key things we noticed at the expo was a return of interest for natural diamonds.

This investment in higher-priced natural diamonds is significant for consumers, who are increasingly aware of the traceability of many kinds of products they buy. The trend of being able to trace premium purchases of gems right through the supply chain by leveraging blockchain technology is a new leading-edge trend that is welcomed by consumers who demand more information on where products come from. Not only that, but industry stakeholders also appreciate the productivity gains from speed and transparency that traceability platforms like Tracr, deliver to an industry which, for many decades, was almost entirely paper-based.

United Media Solution has developed significant expertise in the natural diamond industry. Some UMS staff have completed GIA certifications to expand their knowledge regarding the cut, colour, polishing and retail of natural diamonds. As the supply of natural diamonds falls in the coming years, the price will increase.


Group photo: UMS team, Marilyn Bai, and Thomas Moses, VP of GIA (left 3).

Group photo: UMS team, Marilyn Bai, and Thomas Moses, VP of GIA (3rd from left).


At the expo, it was brilliant to connect with many of the industry professionals we know through the natural diamond industry.

Working with Marilyn, we captured insights from industry leaders like Wesley Tucker, CEO of Tracr, Jason McIntosh, COO of Tracr, David Kellie, CEO of Natural Diamond Council , Thomas Moses, VP of GIA, and Lin Qiang, the Shanghai Diamond Exchange CEO on the critical topic of diamond traceability.


De Beers Group’s ceo gave opening remarks at the De Beers Group’s booth.

De Beers Group’s CEO gave opening remarks at the De Beers Group’s booth.


At the expo, the UMS team was able to attend the De Beers Group’s strategic breakfast to learn more about trends and updates. It was a standout point to see increasing demand and strong brand presence for natural diamonds in the US, India, and China markets.

Interestingly, new couples typically wait approximately three years between meeting and engagement. During the pandemic, there were fewer opportunities to meet and connect, but lead time is now catching up, and the number of engagements through 2025-26 is set to increase.



Natural diamond jewelleries from @KGK at Jewellery and Gem World Hong Kong

Natural diamond jewelleries from @KGK at Jewellery and Gem World Hong Kong


Many of the exhibitors showcased different kinds of designs to appeal to changing markets. One key point was regarding necklaces in place of wedding rings. Some customers are still searching for a unique piece and a large-carat diamond for a necklace to demonstrate their commitment in a non-traditional way. Additionally, many women are buying diamond rings for themselves as a sign of personal achievement and success to mark career milestones – rather than waiting to receive one as an engagement gift.

As consumer confidence continues to recover and premium consumers increase their travel and spending appetite overseas, the premium and luxury space is showing promising signs of growth for the year ahead, and we are excited to continue working with brands on their strategy and marketing campaign deployments.