UMS Recognised for Student Support and Marketing at PIEoneer Awards

UMS has been recognised for contributing to international education with two nominations at the PIEoneer Awards in London. The first is for the NauMaiNZ WeChat Mini Program in the Student Experience category. The second is for the Learn New Every Day marketing campaign, which is nominated in the Marketing Campaign of the Year category. Both projects were delivered for Education New Zealand.

These two projects highlight UMS’s commitment to innovative digital solutions and underscore our dedication to supporting New Zealand’s international education sector.


NauMai NZ WeChat Mini Program: Nomination for Student Support Award


UMS developed the innovative NauMai NZ WeChat Mini Program for Education New Zealand to provide essential support to Chinese international students. The platform offers students access to personalised content covering career opportunities, employability, lifestyle tips, and cultural integration—all through a familiar and user-friendly interface inside WeChat.

The program is tailored to meet the needs of international students from China, ensuring they can easily navigate their new environment in New Zealand. By leveraging data-driven insights, the program delivers content based on student preferences and behaviours, ensuring relevance at every stage of their journey—from pre-arrival to post-arrival and even into alumni stages.


Interactive features such as the Q&A forum and live streaming sessions allow students to engage with their peers and share their experiences, This sense of community is vital in helping students adapt to their new environment and succeed in their academic and personal lives in their new home away from home.

This project’s nomination for the PIEoneer Awards in the Student Experience category is a testament to the program’s success and the importance of digital platforms in supporting and enhancing the student experience throughout the student journey.


Education New Zealand: Learn New Everyday – Nomination for Marketing Campaign of the Year

Learn New Everyday

UMS has also been nominated for the Marketing Campaign of the Year for its Learn New Every Day campaign, developed for Education New Zealand (ENZ). This campaign was designed to position New Zealand as a top international study destination, targeting prospective Chinese students aged 16 to 24 and their parents.

The Learn New Every Day campaign capitalised on the unique experiences that New Zealand offers to students, emphasising the daily opportunities for academic

achievement, cultural immersion, and personal growth. By using innovative digital storytelling, UMS was able to highlight the diverse and enriching experiences that students could expect in New Zealand, from academic breakthroughs to new cultural encounters.

The creative concept behind the campaign played on the dual meaning of “New” in New Zealand, portraying the country as a place where students can discover something new every day. The campaign utilised first-person point-of-view videos, allowing prospective students to visualise their experiences and connect emotionally with the content. This immersive approach resonated strongly with the target audience, helping them envision themselves in the educational and cultural environment that New Zealand offers.



UMS employed a comprehensive digital strategy, leveraging popular Chinese social media platforms such as WeChat, Bilibili, Tencent, and Weibo. This localised approach ensured that the campaign message reached the right audience in a culturally relevant way, maximising engagement and driving conversions.

The Learn New Every Day campaign not only helped boost brand awareness for New Zealand’s educational offerings but also played a crucial role in driving inquiries from prospective students. The campaign had significant reach across platforms and ensured that New Zealand remained at the top of Chinese students’ minds when considering international education.

Our Commitment to International Education

The dual nominations for the PIEoneer Awards reflect UMS’s expertise in delivering innovative and impactful projects that support international education. These projects have exceeded performance targets and, we hope, have also played a part in the essential broader recovery of New Zealand’s international education sector.

UMS remains committed to helping international students thrive wherever they choose to study, and we continue pushing the boundaries of digital marketing in education to help reach the international students of the future.


Get in touch if you would like to know more.